
Hur manga dog i Finland under andra varldskriget?

Hur många dog i Finland under andra världskriget?


300 000–340 000 man 32 stridsvagnar 114 stridsflygplan 425 000–760 000 man 2 514–6 541 stridsvagnar 3 880 stridsflygplan
22 830 stupade 43 557 sårade 1 000 tillfångatagna 126 875 stupade eller saknade 264 908 sårade 5 600 tillfångatagna

F. W. Putzger: Historischer Weltatlas, Velhagen & Klasing, 2006

Land Soldater Judar
Finland 90 000 0
Frankrike 250 000 80 000
Grekland 20 000 60 000
Storbritannien och Nordirland 678 000 0

How many PAVN troops are there in Laos?

In 1979, there were 50,000 PAVN troops stationed in Laos and as many as 6,000 civilian Vietnamese officials including 1,000 directly attached to the ministries in Vientiane.

Who are the Lao Theung?

They were the indigenous inhabitants of northern Laos. Some Vietnamese, Laotian Chinese and Thai minorities remain, particularly in the towns, but many left after independence in the late 1940s, many of whom relocated either to Vietnam, Hong Kong, or to France. Lao Theung constitute about 30% of the population.

* Where is Laos located?

Located at the heart of the Indochinese peninsula, Laos is bordered by Myanmar (Burma) and China to the northwest, Vietnam to the east, Cambodia to the southeast, and Thailand to the west and southwest.

Who are the biggest foreign investors in Laos?

In 2016, China was the biggest foreign investor in Laos’s economy, having invested in US$5.395 billion since 1989, according to Laos Ministry of Planning and Investment’s 1989–2014 report. Thailand (invested US$4.489 billion) and Vietnam (invested US$3.108 billion) are the second and third largest investors respectively.

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