
Hur stor ar risken att fa listeria?

Hur stor är risken att få listeria?

Svar. Risken att få en listeriainfektion är mycket liten. Ett fåtal personer blir sjuka i listeria i Sverige varje år, även om det har ökat något de senaste åren.

Hur vanligt är listeria?

Listeria monocytogenes är en kort, stavformad grampositiv bakterie som är vanligt förekommande i vatten, jord och vegetation. Många djurarter kan vara bärare av listeria. Livsmedel som förvaras lång tid i kylskåp och sedan förtärs utan föregående tillagning utgör risk för smitta.

What are the key facts about listeriosis?

Key facts. Listeriosis is a serious, but preventable and treatable disease. Pregnant women, the elderly or individuals with a weakened immune system, such as people with immuno-compromised status due to HIV/AIDS, leukaemia, cancer, kidney transplant and steroid therapy, are at greatest risk of severe listeriosis and should avoid high risk foods.

What is Listeriosis and can it be prevented?

Listeriosis is a serious, but preventable and treatable disease. Pregnant women, the elderly or individuals with a weakened immune system, such as people with immuno-compromised status due to HIV/AIDS, leukaemia, cancer, kidney transplant and steroid therapy, are at greatest risk of severe listeriosis and should avoid high risk foods.

Who is at greatest risk of severe listeriosis?

Pregnant women, the elderly or individuals with a weakened immune system, such as people with immuno-compromised status due to HIV/AIDS, leukaemia, cancer, kidney transplant and steroid therapy, are at greatest risk of severe listeriosis and should avoid high risk foods.

Where can I find a Listeria infection fact sheet?

Listeriosis ( Listeria infection). Available at: Accessed Jun 2, 2016. Parihar VS. Zoonotic aspects of Listeria monocytogenes —with special reference to bacteriology. Master’s thesis.

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