
Vad betyder det nar man censurerar?

Vad betyder det när man censurerar?

Censur innebär motsatsen till yttrandefrihet och tryckfrihet. Om det råder censur, som till exempel i en diktatur, får man INTE uttrycka sig fritt inom de områden som är censurerade.

I vilka länder finns det censur?

Den mest långtgående censuren sker i Burma, Iran, Pakistan, Saudiarabien, Syrien, Tunisien, Förenade Arabemiraten och Jemen. Sedan tidigare har den kinesiska diktaturens Internetcensur uppmärksammats, exempelvis har BBC:s hemsida i Kina stängts ned.

Vem censurerar Facebook?

Någon statlig censur av internet finns inte i Sverige. Rikspolisstyrelsen har förvisso sammanställt en spärrlista, det så kallade barnpornografifiltret, som internetleverantörer kan använda för att blockera sajter som misstänks sprida barnporr.

What is Internet censorship?

Internet censorship in the United States is the suppression of information published or viewed on the Internet in the United States. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects freedom of speech and expression against federal, state, and local government censorship.

Should the government censure speech on the Internet?

“Government should not move toward censoring, scrubbing or prohibiting lawful speech on the internet.” This is a different approach from other countries, where citizens’ access to content is in some cases regulated by government. Some countries suppress graphic content, speech the government determines is hateful and other content deemed offensive.

Which countries censor the Internet the most?

This list shows the numerous countries that are heavily censoring information and repressing their citizen’s Internet use. This list has long included countries like China, North Korea and Iran, who block propaganda against their state. Surprisingly, the U.S. was added to this list in 2014.

Should the Internet be censored to protect political dissent?

All of a sudden you see that censorship is what’s being advocated. I remember a literal chilling feeling.” Carr thinks protecting political dissent on the internet is ultimately to the benefit of government. “We have to leave ample room for opposing viewpoints on the internet,” he said.

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