
Vad ar Periodontalspalt?

Vad är Periodontalspalt?

Området mellan cementet och käkbenet. Innehåller sharpeyska fibrer, nerver och kärl. På röntgenbilder ser området ut som en tunn spalt mellan käkbenet och tanden. Kallas då ofta periodontalspalt.

Hur man tar bort tandsten själv?

Du kan inte ta bort tandsten själv utan betydande risk att skada tänder och tandkött. Det du möjligtvis kan göra med dylika kit är att ta bort plack, men det görs bäst med en tandborste och tandtråd vid den dagliga tandborstningen. Tandsten är förhårdnad plack som tar tid på sig att härda och sedan sitter som berget.

What is a subluxation complex?

A subluxation, also known as a vertebral subluxation complex, is a disorder of the spine where the alignment and physiological functions of the spine are altered, moving them from their normal position and placing excessive pressure on the spinal nerves.

What is Category 4 spinal subluxation?

Category Four – Paravertebral Subluxation This type of spinal subluxation directly impacts the spinal muscles that run the length of the spine. It can also impact any of the soft tissues along the spine, like ligaments and tendons.

What causes spinal subluxation and how is it treated?

If your spine comes under a force that is strong enough to overcome the natural amount of resistance of your body’s tendons, ligaments, and muscles, the spine could get out of alignment. There are dozens of possible causes of spinal subluxation, but you can define them under three broad categories. They include: 1. Chemical Causes

What are the most common at-home subluxation treatments?

Some common at-home subluxation treatments include resting the affected joint, icing the area, and elevating it to reduce swelling. However, these will only help with some of the symptoms, but they will not correct or treat the subluxation itself.

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