Vad krävs för att bli certifierad Energikartläggare?
Så här blir du certifierad Skicka tjänstgöringsintyg Utöver ansökan så ska du skicka oss vidimerade tjänstgöringsintyg där det med klar tydlighet framgår dina arbetsuppgifter relaterat mot energieffektivisering och energikartläggning, alternativt energiledning och antal arbetade år, samt utbildningsintyg.
Vad är Stemfs?
Energimyndigheten har tagit fram en ny föreskrift STEMFS (2021:7) om hållbarhetskriterier för biodrivmedel och biobränslen. Du hittar föreskrifterna hos Energimyndigheterna här. och förordningen (2011:1088) om hållbarhetskriterier för biodrivmedel och biobränslen (hållbarhetsförordningen).
What does it mean to be ISTA certified?
ISTA CERTIFIED TESTING LABORATORY. ISTA® Laboratory Certification demonstrates a strong commitment to transport packaging professionalism, as well as assuring a laboratory is properly equipped to conduct ISTA® package performance testing.
What are the different types of ISTA laboratory certification?
ISTA offers laboratory certification with two different focuses: Transport Testing Laboratories and Thermal Testing Laboratories. Transport Testing Laboratories challenge packaged-products against physical distribution hazards such as shock, vibration and compression.
What is the process for ISTA transport Testing Lab certification?
Certification is available only to ISTA members and requires the completion of equipment verification forms, as well as the production of short videos for each piece of equipment. The process for ISTA Transport Testing Lab Certification is as follows: 1. ISTA Membership WITH Laboratory must be current. Need to join?
How do I purchase standard 20 from ISTA headquarters?
Purchase Standard 20 from ISTA Headquarters (Includes ISTA 7E). Fee: $10,000 Contact ISTA Headquarters to purchase. Submit to ISTA Headquarters an ISTA thermal transport laboratory audit application, ISTA Form 0045, for approval.