Vad är PCL-5?
PCL-5 används för att preliminärt screena för en möjlig PTSD diagnos, fastställa en preliminär PTSD diagnos, eller bekräfta en fastställd PTSD diagnos, samt för att utvärdera en behandling/insats genom att administreras före och efter behandling, samt vid eventuella uppföljningar.
Vad menas med PTS?
Post- och telestyrelsen är den myndighet som bevakar områdena elektronisk kommunikation och post i Sverige. Begreppet elektronisk kommunikation rymmer telekommunikationer, it och radio. Vår vision är att alla i Sverige ska ha tillgång till bra telefoni, bredband och post.
What is the trauma care checklist?
The Who Trauma Care Checklist is a simple tool, designed to be used in emergency units, that offers a systematic approach to providing the key life-saving elements of initial trauma care. The checklist helps providers review key actions at critical points during their care of a patient. Download the Trauma Care Checklist.
What are the signs and symptoms of traumatic trauma in children?
Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC) Depression (DEP) Feelings of sadness, unhappiness, and loneliness; episodes of tearfulness; depressive cognitions such as guilt and self-denigration; and self-injuriousness and suicidality. Anger (ANG) Angry thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, including feeling mad,…
What is the purpose of a trauma assessment?
It is useful in the evaluation of children who have experienced traumatic events, including physical and sexual assault, victimization by peers, major losses, the witnessing of violence done to others and natural disasters (Briere, 1996). The instrument is suitable for individual or group administration. Description:
What are the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder (Pts)?
Posttraumatic Stress (PTS)Posttraumatic symptoms including intrusive thoughts, sensations, and memories of painful past events; nightmares; fears; and cognitive avoidance of painful feelings.