
Vart koper man hund valpar?

Vart köper man hund valpar?

Var köper man sin hund

  • Pålitliga uppfödare med eller utan kennelnamn. Svenska kennelklubben (SKK) har drygt 14 000 aktiva hunduppfödare anslutna till sin organisation så här kan du hitta en uppfödare om du söker en renrasig hund med stamtavla.
  • Skapa relation med uppfödaren.
  • Kontakta rasklubben.
  • Blandrashundar.

Hur gör man när man köper valp?

När du hämtar valpen ska den vara avmaskad, vaccinerad, ID-märkt med chip, veterinärbesiktigad samt registrerad i Svenska Kennelklubben. Med hunden ska följa registreringsbevis, vaccinationsintyg och utlåtandet från besiktningen samt köpeavtalet.

What is an olde tyme Bulldog?

The Olde Tyme Bulldog is a cousin of the English Bulldog and was originally developed to replicate the bulldog type of yesteryear in both appearance and temperament. These adorable bulldogs are relatively new to the dog scene and as such have not been recognised by any of the major international breed organisations, of which the Kennel Club is one.

What is the average height of a Tyme Bulldog?

Height at the withers: Males 44 – 48 cm, Females 3 – 44 cm. Average weight: Males 22 -30 kg, Females 20 – 27 kg. The Old Tyme Bulldog, like the English Bulldog is a proud and noble dog that shares many of their physical traits which includes their delightfully ’grumpy’ looks.

Are old Tyme Bulldogs hard to train?

Old Tyme Bulldogs are smart dogs but they can be a little challenging to train thanks to the fact they have quite a stubborn streak. It takes time patience and understanding to train one of these powerful dogs. It’s very important for these dogs to be well socialised from a young age so they grow up to be confident outgoing mature dogs.

Is the Old Tyme a recognised breed?

Unlike its more popular cousin, the English Bulldog, the Old Tyme is not recognised by breed organisations. However, the breed is fast becoming a favourite for its docile temperament, loyalty, and adaptability.

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