
Vem var Florences Nightingale och vad har hon bidragit med nar det kommer till varden?

Vem var Florences Nightingale och vad har hon bidragit med när det kommer till vården?

Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) var en engelsk sjuksköterska som bland annat gjorde banbrytande insatser under Krimkriget för att förbättra fältsjukvården. Under sitt liv arbetade hon aktivt för att förbättra sjukvården men också sjuksköterskornas arbetsförhållanden. Florence Nightingale kallades ”slagfältets ängel”.

Hur yttrade sig Florence Nightingale feminism?

Förutom sjukvårdsengagemanget, var det kvinnors rättigheter som Florence Nightingale brann för, inte minst att kvinnor skulle ha rätt till arbete. Hon skrev om det i en annan av sina böcker, Suggestions for Thought to Searchers after Religious Truths (1859).

Var räddade Florence Nightingale?

För Florence var det mest intressanta administrationen och funktionen av sjukvårdsorganisationen. Därför besökte hon flera institutioner runt om i Europa. Framförallt inspirerade vistelsen vid den tyska sjukhuset i Kaiserwerth i Düsseldorf.

Hur dog Florence Nightingale?

13 augusti 1910Florence Nightingale / Dödsdatum

Who was Florence Nightingale and what did she do?

Nightingale came to prominence while serving as a manager and trainer of nurses during the Crimean War, in which she organised care for wounded soldiers at Constantinople.

Where can I find Florence Nightingale letters in the UK?

UK National Archives. Florence Nightingale Collection at Wayne State University Library consists primarily of letters written by Florence Nightingale throughout her life. Major topics of the letters include medical care for the soldiers and the poor, the role of nursing, and sanitation and public works in colonized India.

What is the Florence Nightingale Declaration campaign?

The Florence Nightingale Declaration Campaign, established by nursing leaders throughout the world through the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH), aims to build a global grassroots movement to achieve two United Nations Resolutions for adoption by the UN General Assembly of 2008.

What is the Nightingale School for nurses?

The first official nurses’ training programme, her Nightingale School for Nurses, opened in 1860 and is now called the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery at King’s College London. She belongs to that select band of historical characters who are instantly recognisable: the Lady with the Lamp, ministering to the wounded and dying.

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