Hur hög var en dinosaurie?
Exemplaren varierar i kroppslängd från 80 centimeter till över tre meter. En av de största individerna hade ätit upp en av de mindre – ett över 200 miljoner år gammalt exempel på kannibalism!
Hur hög var den högsta dinosaurien?
Med en längd på 40–44 meter, huvudhöjd cirka 14 meter och en beräknad vikt på omkring 200 ton, kanske ända upp till 220 ton, skulle den till och med överträffa blåvalen i fråga om vikt som man alltid trott vara det största djuret någonsin. (Argentinosaurus anses ”bara” ha vägt omkring 100 ton).
How big was Carcharodontosaurus?
Size comparison of selected giant theropod dinosaurs, C. saharicus in violet. Carcharodontosaurus includes some of the longest and heaviest known carnivorous dinosaurs, with various scientists proposing length estimates for the species C. saharicus ranging between 12 and 13.3 m (39 and 44 ft) and weight estimates between 6.2 and 15.1 metric tons.
What kind of brain did Carcharodontosaurus saharicus have?
Overall, the brain of C. saharicus would have been similar to that of a related dinosaur, Allosaurus fragilis. Larsson found that the ratio of the cerebrum to the volume of the brain overall in Carcharodontosaurus was typical for a non-avian reptile.
Is Carcharodontosaurus saharicus a neotype or holotype?
The taxonomy of Carcharodontosaurus was discussed in Chiarenza and Cau (2016), who suggested that the neotype of C. saharicus was similar but distinct from the holotype in the morphology of the maxillary interdental plates.
How big was the largest carnivore dinosaur?
Carcharodontosaurus includes some of the longest and heaviest known carnivorous dinosaurs, with various scientists proposing length estimates for the species C. saharicus ranging between 12 and 13.3 m (39 and 44 ft) and weight estimates between 6.2 and 15.1 metric tons.