
What is a planaria?

What is a planaria?

Planarians are free-living flatworms of the phylum Platyhelminthes (from the Greek “platy” meaning flat, and “helminth” meaning worm).

What is the planarian digestive system?

José E. García-Arrarás, in Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 2014 The planarian digestive system is formed by a single-opening tube (pharynx) with extensive blind ramifications (intestine).

What is the planarian epidermis made of?

The planarian epidermis contains a single layer of epidermal cells overlaying a complex body wall musculature composed of layers of circular, diagonal, and longitudinal muscle fibers ( Cebrià et al., 1996; Hay & Coward, 1975; Kobayashi, Kobayashi, Orii, Watanabe, & Agata, 2009; MacRae, 1965; Morita, 1965 ).

How do planarians regenerate tissue?

Adult planarians show amazing regenerative abilities. They can regenerate virtually any missing tissue through the activity of a large population of parenchymal cells called neoblasts, which are required for regeneration (Reddien et al., 2005; Figure 4 ).

This is a live culture of planaria, a freshwater flatworm with unique regenerative abilities. Read More Delivery Date: Required? My Science Perks members earn at least $0.28 back on this item.

How can you tell a planarian from a flatworm?

Colored flakes, for instance, can turn a planarian a lovely shade of pink. Besides the color, they are nearly identical in appearance. Once you know what to look for, the unique features of planaria make them difficult to confuse with any other flatworm.

Who is to blame for planaria?

Unfortunately, no one is to blame – dealing with planaria is just a part of fishkeeping. You see, planaria are expert hitchhikers. These sneaky little flatworms hide away in rock crevices, on plants and even attach themselves to fish.

How to get rid of planaria in aquariums?

Much more promising is the treatment with a deworming agent such as Flubenol or Panacur. When used correctly, it is possible to get an aquarium completely free of planarians again. Both are prescription drugs, which can be obtained from a veterinarian. Flubenol contains the active substance flubendazole, while Panacur contains fenbendazole.

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