
Varfor far man punkterad lunga?

Varför får man punkterad lunga?

Det kan bero på en skada i bröstkorgen, till exempel om du har brutit ett revben. Lungan kan också kollapsa om en lungblåsa brister. Lungkollaps förekommer främst hos yngre personer som idrottar, personer som röker, hos långa smala personer och hos personer som är äldre än 70 år.

Varför faller lungan ihop om pleura skadas?

Om det uppstår en skada på pleura viscerale eller pleura parietale och luft eller vätska samlas i pleura drar lungan ihop sig (elastisk kraft) och det negativa trycket i pleurarummet försvinner. Detta medför att lungan helt eller delvis faller ihop. Skadan kan uppstå spontant eller i samband med ett trauma.

What is a hemothorax?

Hemothorax is when blood collects between your chest wall and your lungs. This area where blood can pool is known as the pleural cavity. The buildup of the volume of blood in this space can eventually cause your lung to collapse as the blood pushes on the outside of the lung. The pooling of blood in your chest can have numerous causes.

What are the treatment options for hemothorax?

The most important treatment for hemothorax is draining the blood out of your chest cavity. Your doctor will likely put a tube through your chest muscles and tissues, through your ribs, and into your chest cavity to drain any pooled blood, fluid, or air.

What is the pathophysiology of traumatic hemothorax?

Traumatic hemothorax often causes the pleural membrane lining the chest or lungs to rupture. This ruptured membrane spills blood into the pleural space, which has no way of being drained. Even the smallest injuries to the chest wall or lungs can lead to hemothorax.

What is retained hemothorax?

Retained hemothorax is a complication that occurs when the blood stays in the plural cavity too long. The blood may clot and be difficult to remove through a catheter. Blood that remains in the chest too long can cause pus to build up in the surrounding area as well, which can lead to an infection.

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