
Vad var marshallhjalpen for nagot?

Vad var marshallhjälpen för något?

Marshallplanen utformades under sommaren 1947 av USA:s utrikesminister George Marshall (i president Harry S Trumans regering) och var ett ekonomiskt lån och biståndsprogram för återuppbyggnaden av Europa efter andra världskriget.

Europa var i praktiken delat. USAs utrikesminister George Marshall gav namn åt Marshallplanen. I dag har det gått sex decennier. Planen stabiliserade demokratierna i Västeuropa och medverkade till den snabba återuppbyggnaden och ekonomiska återhämtningen på den krigshärjade kontinenten.

Varför delade man upp Tyskland?

Den 8 maj 1945 kapitulerade de tyska trupperna. Vid krigsuppgörelsen förlorade Tyskland betydande delar av sitt territorium. Såväl Tyskland som staden Berlin delades mellan de allierade (USA, Storbritannien, Frankrike och Sovjetunionen) i fyra ockupationszoner. 1949 delades landet i två separata stater.

What is the equivalent of the Marshall Plan?

The phrase ”equivalent of the Marshall Plan” is often used to describe a proposed large-scale economic rescue program. In 1951 the Marshall Plan was largely replaced by the Mutual Security Act .

Who was involved in the Marshall Plan?

The labelling used on aid packages created and sent under the Marshall Plan. George C. Marshall, pictured here as a General of the Army before he became the U.S. Secretary of State. It was during his term as Secretary of State that he planned, campaigned for and carried out the Marshall Plan.

What did the Marshall Plan do for Germany?

The Marshall Plan made it possible for West Germany to return quickly to its traditional pattern of industrial production with a strong export sector. Without the plan, agriculture would have played a larger role in the recovery period, which itself would have been longer.

Where can I find media related to Marshall Plan?

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Marshall Plan. Speech by J.F. Byrnes, United States Secretary of State, Restatement of Policy on Germany, Stuttgart, September 6, 1946. The speech marked the turning point away from the Morgenthau Plan philosophy of economic dismantlement of Germany and toward a policy of economic reconstruction.

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