
Nar borjade inbordeskriget i Sudan?

När började inbördeskriget i Sudan?

Det var Sydsudan som stod för ungefär en tredjedel av det sudanesiska territoriet. Uppdelningen av Sudan kom efter ett inbördeskrig mellan regeringen i norr och befrielserörelsen i söder, ett inbördeskrig som varade mellan 1983-2005.

Vad hände 1991 i Sverige?

14 december – EG-domstolen ogiltigförklarar EEC-avtalet mellan EG och EFTA, vilket måste omförhandlas. 18 december – Sveriges regering beslutar att avskaffa löntagarfonderna vid årsskiftet 1991-1992. 19 december – Sverige erkänner Ryssland, Ukraina och Belarus.

Vilket land hette tidigare Sudan?

Franska Sudan var en fransk koloni i Franska Västafrika från 1880 till 1902 och sedan från 1920 till 1960. Kolonin motsvarade den nuvarande staten Mali.

Who is the vice-president of Nepal?

The position was created when the Nepalese monarchy was abolished in May 2008. The current vice-president of Nepal is Nanda Kishor Pun. The vice president is to be formally addressed as ’His Excellency’.

Who was the first president of Nepal?

The first President of Nepal was Ram Baran Yadav. The current president is Bidhya Devi Bhandari, elected in October 2015.

How long is the term of office of the president in Nepal?

President of Nepal. If no one receives a majority in the first round, runoffs are held between the top two candidates until one receives a majority. The presidential term is five years. A President may be elected any number of times, but not more than twice in succession. The President’s powers are almost entirely ceremonial.

What helicopter does the president of Nepal use?

The president uses the state carrier, Nepal Airlines ’ Airbus A330-200 for international travel, whereas a Nepal Army’s VIP AgustaWestland AW139 helicopter for travel within the country. A similar type model of the helicopter used by the President.

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