
Vilka betyg kravs for att komma in pa Oxford?

Vilka betyg krävs för att komma in på Oxford?

Du kommer troligtvis behövs komplettera efter gymnasiet. På VO läser man för lite matte,fysik, kemi och biologi. Jag råder dig göra ditt bästa i alla kurser du läser nu och sedan i början av vårterminen när du går åk3, boka tid med syv på komvux i den kommunen där du är folkbokförd för vidare studieplanering .

Vad kostar en termin på Oxford?

Undervisningen för Oxford University är bara 9,000 pund för ett år, vilket motsvarar ungefär 11,700 XNUMX dollar.

Is Stanford Law School as good as Harvard Law?

There’s no way that any of the top dozen or so law schools are materially different on an overall basis; Stanford is not distinguishably different in whether it is “as good as” Harvard. On the other hand, each school may have a better department or professor or specialty program.

What is the difference between Yale and Harvard Law School?

However, its entering law school class is fairly large in comparison to either Yale or Stanford, and Harvard’s law school is known to be tough (which neither Yale or Stanford have that reputation). Stanford’s class size is much smaller, and it has a Traditionally, Yale is considered the number 1 law school in the nation by pretty much everyone.

Is Stanford University better than Harvard University for an MBA?

According to the Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2020, Harvard Business School ranks #1 while Stanford at #3. On the other hand with global rankings at #2 for Arts and Humanities according to QS Rankings, Harvard University would be the first choice while Stanford ranks at #5.

How many Stanford Law graduates have served on the Supreme Court?

Although as a Stanford Law grad, I point out that as recently as the last decade, there were 2 sitting Stanford Law graduates on the Supreme Court (Rehnquist and O’Connor), I think there are a few reasons why Stanford has not been as successful at putting graduates on the Supreme Court:

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