
Vad ar Theta?

Vad är Theta?

Theta (grekiska θήτα théta) (versal: Θ, gemen: θ) är den åttonde bokstaven i det grekiska alfabetet, men var ursprungligen den nionde och hade därför i det joniska talbeteckningssystemet siffervärdet 9.

Vad betyder Sigma tecken?

Den grekiska bokstaven stora sigma (Σ) används som ett kompakt sätt att skriva summor, och kallas då för summatecken. Termerna som summeras har index och bildar en talföljd. Under summatecknet skriver man det tal som är första index och ovanför skriver man det sista.

What is Delta Sigma Theta sorority?

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated was founded on January 13, 1913, by 22 collegiate women at Howard University to promote academic excellence and provide assistance to those in need. The Founders of Delta Sigma Theta envisioned an organization committed to sisterhood, scholarship, service, and addressing the social issues of the time.

What is the significance of the Delta Sigma Theta sculpture?

The sculpture was unveiled on April 28, 1979, at 3:15 p.m. by members of Delta Sigma Theta, to honor the founders of the service sorority. The sculpture is described as symbolizing ”the attributes of strength, courage, hope, wisdom, beauty and femininity as depicted by the 22 founders of Delta Sigma Theta”.

How did Delta Sigma Theta celebrate its 50th anniversary?

^ Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Celebrates 50 years by participating in the March on Washington. Jet Magazine. Retrieved September 7, 2013. ^ Remarks at the Delta Sigma Theta Anniversary Parage 12 January 1963. JFK Library. Retrieved September 7, 2013. ^ a b African American Sorority makes Rose Parade History. Pasadena Now.

Are any of the links members of Delta Sigma Theta?

The Links, Incorporated Co-Founder and First President, Sarah Strickland Scott was a member of Delta Sigma Theta, and several National Presidents of the Links, Incorporated are also Delta members including Immediate Past National President Margot James Copeland. This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it.

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