
Hur vaxte reggae fram?

Hur växte reggae fram?

Reggae har i likhet med rocksteady fötts ur den på 1960-talet på Jamaica omåttligt populära ska-musiken. Ska, en snabb och intensiv musik som hade rötter i gungande New Orleans-baserad rhythm- and blues, blommade upp som en inhemsk musikstil på Jamaica i samband med självständigheten från Storbritannien 1962.

När kom reggae till Sverige?

Svensk reggaehistoria. 1971 Janne Schaffer lär sig spela reggae av Bob Marley i Nockeby. 1973 Babatunde Tony Ellis startar Sveriges första reggaeband. 1974 Abba släpper Sitting in the palmtree, Janne Schaffer på gitarr.

Who is Mad Anthony Wayne?

… (Show more) Anthony Wayne, byname Mad Anthony Wayne, (born January 1, 1745, near Paoli, Pennsylvania [U.S.]—died December 15, 1796, Presque Isle, Pennsylvania, U.S.), prominent American general during the Revolutionary War, who later destroyed the Northwest Indian Confederation at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in Ohio (August 20, 1794).

What did Anthony Wayne do in the Revolutionary War?

Anthony Wayne. His most brilliant exploit of the war was the successful storming of the British fort at Stony Point, New York (July 16, 1779). This feat gave a huge boost in morale to the American armies. Wayne earned the name “Mad Anthony” because of his tactical boldness and his personal courage in the field.

What did Anthony Wayne do in the Battle of Fallen Timbers?

Anthony Wayne. Wayne trained his enlarged army for two years before advancing slowly north of the Ohio River. At the Battle of Fallen Timbers, Wayne effectively ended Indian resistance when his seasoned force of 1,000 men routed the 2,000 warriors gathered for a final confrontation near Fort Miami on the Maumee River.

Who was John Wayne?

Elected in 1790 to the Georgia House of Representatives, Wayne served nearly two years before his seat was declared vacant because of election frauds.

Reggae är en musikgenre som började utvecklas under 1960- och 1970-talet på den karibiska ön Jamaica. Från början var det så att den jamaicanska populärmusiken influerades väldigt mycket av de svarta musiken i USA. Runt år 1960 fanns det en unik form av ”rhythm and blues” och denna form hade en lätt baktaktrytm.

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