
Vem ar Kronos?

Vem är Kronos?

Kronos (grekiska: Κρόνος) var i grekisk mytologi den yngste av de ursprungliga titanerna. Han var son till Uranos (symbol för himlen) och Gaia (symbol för jorden). Han kastrerade sin far, åt upp sina barn och fungerade hos grekerna som en skördegud.

Vad är Kronos för Gud?

Kronos tillbads av grekerna som åkerbrukets gud. Hans attribut var en skära. Kronos förväxlades ibland med Chronos, tidens gud, och det har gjort att han framställts som en åldrad man.

Vilken grekisk gud är Saturnus?

Saturnus är en gud i romersk mytologi som brukar identifieras med Kronos i den grekiska mytologin. Han dyrkades som såningsgud samt ansågs tillsammans med sin maka, Ops, skänka fruktbarhet och goda gåvor. Han gällde som beskyddare av jordbruk, fruktträdsskötsel och vinodling.

Where is Cronus mentioned in the Sibylline Oracles?

Cronus is mentioned in the Sibylline Oracles, particularly in book three, which makes Cronus, ’Titan’ and Iapetus, the three sons of Uranus and Gaia, each to receive a third division of the Earth, and Cronus is made king over all.

Why did Cronus eat his own son?

Cronus — or more accurately, Kronos (Κρόνος) — ascended the throne after defeating his father Uranus (the Sky). Soon, he was warned by a prophecy (some say by his mother Gaia, the earth) that he would be dethroned by his own son. In order to avoid this fate, he swallowed each of his children as they were born.

What is the Golden Age of Cronus called?

The period in which Cronus ruled was called the Golden Age, as the people of the time had no need for laws or rules; everyone did the right thing, and immorality was absent. Cronus learned from Gaia and Uranus that he was destined to be overcome by his own sons, just as he had overthrown his father.

What happened between Cronus and Dionysus?

With Rhea’s incitement, Cronus and the other Titans made war upon Ammon, who fled to Crete (3.71.1–2). Cronus ruled harshly and Cronus in turn was defeated by Ammon’s son Dionysus (3.71.3–3.73) who appointed Cronus’ and Rhea’s son, Zeus, as king of Egypt (3.73.4).

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