
Hur gammal ar vulkanen Vesuvius?

Hur gammal är vulkanen Vesuvius?

Vesuvius (italienska: Vesuvio) är ett berg och en vulkan i södra Italien. Det ligger 10 km sydöst om Neapel och sträcker sig till 1 281 meters höjd över havet. Vesuvius klassificeras som en stratovulkan och är fortfarande aktiv. År 79 e.Kr.

Hur många utbrott har Vesuvius haft?

650.000 personer besöker vulkanens topp varje år. De senaste 400 åren har Vesuvius haft 45 utbrott. – Fram till mitten av 1800-talet visste man inte mycket om hur en vulkan fungerade.

När fanns Pompeji?

Pompeji var en stad söder om Neapel i Italien som begravdes i aska vid ett vulkanutbrott av Vesuvius år 79 e.Kr. Staden hittades igen på 1700-talet och är idag en viktig arkeologisk utgrävningsplats.

What is the physical appearance of Mount Vesuvius?

Physical appearance. Vesuvius is a distinctive ”humpbacked” peak, consisting of a large cone ( Gran Cono) partially encircled by the steep rim of a summit caldera caused by the collapse of an earlier and originally much higher structure called Mount Somma. The Gran Cono was produced during the A.D. 79 eruption.

What happened to Mount Vesuvius?

Mount Vesuvius. Mount Vesuvius as seen from the ruins of Pompeii, which was destroyed in the eruption of AD 79.

Why is Mount Vesuvius called Somma Vesuvio?

For this reason, the volcano is also called Somma-Vesuvius or Somma-Vesuvio. The caldera started forming during an eruption around 17,000–18,000 years ago, and was enlarged by later paroxysmal eruptions, ending in the one of AD 79.

How much magma would Vesuvius have released after 75 years?

It seems that for Vesuvius, the amount of magma expelled in an eruption increases very roughly linearly with the interval since the previous one, and at a rate of around 0.001 cubic kilometres (0.00024 cu mi) for each year. This gives an approximate figure of 0.075 cubic kilometres (0.018 cu mi) for an eruption after 75 years of inactivity.

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