
Vem ar drottning jamte kung Oberon?

Vem är drottning jämte kung Oberon?

Oberon var inom folktron älvornas konung och känd från 1100-talet i den fornfranska dikten om Oberon (Auberon, Alberon), vars namn betyder älvkonung, och hans drottning Titania.

Vem har skrivit musiken till En midsommarnattsdröm?

En midsommarnattsdröm (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) är en engelsk opera i tre akter med musik av den brittiske kompositören Benjamin Britten. Librettot skrevs av Britten och dennes livspartner, sångaren Peter Pears, och är baserad på Shakespeares pjäs med samma namn.

Vad betyder Titania?

Titania är den största av Uranus månar. Den upptäcktes 11 januari 1787 av Sir William Herschel. Titania är uppkallad efter gemålen till älvornas kung Oberon i William Shakespeares pjäs En midsommarnattsdröm.

Is Pyramus and Thisbe a story within a story?

The story Pyramus and Thisbe is an example of a story within a story or a myse en abyme in another play known as mid-summer nights dream. The play was written by the veteran poet and actor William Shakespeare in the year 1590. The play is somehow similar to another play by the Shakespeare known as Juliet and Romeo.

Is Pyramus and Thisbe a MySE en abyme?

The story Pyramus and Thisbe is an example of a story within a story or a myse en abyme in another play known as mid-summer nights dream. The play was written by the veteran poet and actor William Shakespeare in the year 1590. The play is somehow similar to another play by the Shakespeare known as Juliet and Romeo. This text is NOT unique.

Who are Pyramus and Thisbe in Midsummer Night’s Dream?

In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Act V, sc 1), written in the 1590s, a group of ”mechanicals” enact the story of ”Pyramus and Thisbe”. Their production is crude and, for the most part, badly done until the final monologues of Nick Bottom, as Pyramus and Francis Flute, as Thisbe.

When was Pyramus and Thisbe first performed?

Pyramus and Thisbe is a ”mock opera ” by the German-born]composer John Frederick Lampe on the story of Pyramus and Thisbe. It was first performed at Covent Garden Theatre, London, on 25 January 1745.

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