
Ar till exempel springmask?

Är till exempel springmask?

Springmask är en vanlig och ofarlig tarmparasit som ger klåda runt ändtarmsöppningen, framför allt på kvällen och natten. Springmask är mycket smittsamt, det är vanligast hos barn, men drabbar även vuxna. Behandlingen består av läkemedel och nogrann hygien.

Springmask är en tarmparasit som kan ge besvär med klåda i rumpan. Maskarna sprids genom att man får i sig springmaskens ägg genom munnen. Efter att vi fått i oss springmasken på ett eller annat sätt utvecklas äggen till larver i magsäcken och sedan vidare till maskar i mag-tarmkanalen.

What is pinworm infection?

Pinworm infection is the most common type of intestinal worm infection in the United States and one of the most common worldwide.

Who is at risk for pinworm infection?

Symptoms of pinworm infection usually are mild and some infected people have no symptoms. Who is at risk for pinworm infection? Pinworm infection occurs worldwide and affects persons of all ages and socioeconomic levels. It is the most common worm infection in the United States. Pinworm infection occurs most commonly among

How do you know if you have pinworms?

Another way to confirm a diagnosis is to see the pinworms. While the infected person is sleeping, mature pinworms make their way out of the rectum to lay their eggs around the anal opening. Small, thin, grayish-white worms may be visible around the anus two-three hours after the person falls asleep.

How to prevent the spread of pinworms?

So besides regular cleaning of surfaces, methods to help prevent the spread of pinworm eggs or to prevent reinfection include: Wash in the morning. Because pinworms lay their eggs at night, washing the anal area in the morning can help reduce the number of pinworm eggs on your body. Showering may help avoid possible recontamination in bath water.

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