Hur botar man syfilis?
Syfilis är en könssjukdom och orsakas av en bakterie. Den smittar framför allt genom att slemhinnorna i könsorganet, ändtarmen eller munnen kommer i kontakt med varandra. Syfilis smittar lättast om du redan har sår på kroppen.
Syfilis orsakas av en spiralformad bakterie (en så kallad spiroket) vid namn Treponema pallidum. Smittspridningen sker sexuellt. En syfilisinfekterad gravid kvinna kan därtill smitta sitt foster via moderkakan. Även blodsmitta kan förekomma, och därför testas samtliga blodgivare.
Kan man behandla syfilis?
Syfilis går att behandla. Syfilis delas upp i tidig syfilis och sen syfilis. Vid tidig syfilis kan infektionen överföras till andra via sexuell kontakt. I det senare stadiet smittar du inte genom sex men smittan kan föras vidare genom blodet, till exempel kan barnet smittas om du är gravid.
Vad är fransosen?
Till Sverige tros syfilis ha kommit med de danska härar som under unionstidens sista skede flera gånger drog upp mot Stockholm. Särskilt ökänd för att ha spridit smittan har kung Kristian II:s armé blivit. Här i Sverige fick sjukdomen namnet ”fransosen” i finare sammanhang, och ”pocker” i folkmun.
Is macrolide-resistant Treponema pallidum an alternative to penicillin?
Although penicillin is still effective, clinically significant resistance to macrolides, a second-line alternative to penicillin, has emerged. Macrolide-resistant strains of Treponema pallidum are now prevalent in several developed countries.
Is syphilis still treatable with penicillin?
A novel beta-lactamase activity from a penicillin-binding protein of Treponema pallidumand why syphilis is still treatable with penicillin. J. Biol.
Can T pallidum become resistant to tetracyclines?
To date, there is no documented resistance of T. pallidum to the tetracyclines, which are the other main class of alternative antibiotic used for treatment of early syphilis in adults (4). Decreased use of macrolides could result in increased use of tetracyclines.
Is syphilis caused by Treponema pallidum?
1Sorina Ana Dănescu, MD, University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Iuliu Hatieganu”, Victor Babes 8 street, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania; [email protected]. PMID: 29989879 Abstract Dear Editor, Syphilis is an infection caused by Treponema pallidum.
What is yaws and what causes it?
What Is It? Yaws is an infectious disease that affects the skin and bones. It’s a tropical illness that was once common in West Africa, Indonesia, New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Haiti, Dominica, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and parts of Brazil.
What are the treatment options for yaws?
Treatment of yaws involves a single dose of penicillin, or 3 weekly doses for later stage disease. It is rare for the disease to return. People who live in the same house with someone who is infected should be examined for yaws and treated if they are infected.
Is yaws a venereal disease?
Yaws is a non-venereal endemic treponemal infection caused by Treponema pallidum sub-species pertenue, a spirochaete bacterium closely related to Treponema pallidum sub-species pallidum, the agent of venereal syphilis 1). Yaws does not occur in the United States.
How long does it take to get yaws?
Yaws almost always is transmitted by direct contact with infected skin. Yaws has three stages: Early yaws — About three to five weeks after a person is exposed to yaws, a raspberry-like bump appears on the skin, commonly on the legs or buttocks.