Vad använder man hypnos till på riktigt?
Man använder hypnos som behandling runt om i världen vid många olika tillstånd. Man arbetar med hypnos vid såväl fysiska som psykologiska symtom. Några exempel är; smärtkontroll, förberedelse inför kirurgiska ingrepp, magtarmbesvär, viktproblem, ångest, fobier, stress, sömnbesvär och många mer.
Hur man blir hypnotiserad?
Det finns inget du kan säga, göra eller tänka för att säga siffran 7/ditt namn/din hemadress. Om du försöker tala kommer dina stämband att låsa sig och stängas av. Om du försöker tänka det kommer du bli tom i skallen. Det finns inget du kan säga, göra eller tänka för att säga siffran sju/ditt namn/din hemadress.
Is hypnosis a form of trance?
Hypnosis then is one way to go into trance. It is good to be clear on the fact that hypnosis is not trance but just one way to attain trance. Why this is important is because, in personal change, trance is very important while hypnosis is just one method of attaining this most important state.
What is hypnosis and how does it work?
Hypnosis is defined as; an artificially induced trance state resembling sleep, characterized by a heightened susceptibility to suggestion. Hypnosis then is one way to go into trance. It is good to be clear on the fact that hypnosis is not trance but just one way to attain trance.
Who can be hypnotized?
There is great contention as to who can be hypnotized. Many experts believe that only highly suggestible people can become hypnotized, that there is a large number of people out there that cannot be hypnotized or that some people cannot be put into a hypnotic trance that is very strong.
What are trance states and how do you use them?
Remember that a trance state is your full and complete mental concentration on one object or idea. As such then you are constantly in different states of trance as you go about your day. Personal trance states are natural to all of us and they can be used by us at any time to help us achieve our goals.