
Vad orsakar gastrit?

Vad orsakar gastrit?

Orsaker till magkatarr Om magkatarren inte ger med sig kan den leda till akut eller kronisk gastrit – en inflammation i magsäckens slemhinna som gör att det bildas för mycket saltsyra. Det kan vara en reaktion på exempelvis långvarig stress, men även alkohol eller smärtstillande läkemedel.

Varför får man cancer i magen?

Tumörer i tjocktarmen uppstår så gott som alltid i en körtelcell i tjocktarmens slemhinna. Diagnosen som patienten får blir då tjocktarmscancer. Det finns dessutom en typ av hormonproducerande tumörer som oftast uppstår i mag-tarmkanalen. Samlingsnamnet för dem är neuroendokrina tarmtumörer (carcinoider).

What is gastric cancer?

Gastric cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the lining of the stomach. The stomach is a J-shaped organ in the upper abdomen.

What are the risk factors for gastric cancer?

Gastric cancer is the fifth most common cancer and the third most common cause of cancer death globally. Risk factors for the condition include Helicobacter pylori infection, age, high salt intake, and diets low in fruit and vegetables. Gastric cancer is diagnosed histologically after endoscopic bio …

What are the key points of gastric cancer?

Key Points 1 Gastric cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the lining of the stomach. 2 Age, diet, and stomach disease can affect the risk of developing gastric cancer. 3 Symptoms of gastric cancer include indigestion and stomach discomfort or pain. 4 Tests that examine the stomach and esophagus are used to detect (find)…

Is there a cure for gastric cancer?

Gastric cancer is often in an advanced stage when it is diagnosed. At later stages, gastric cancer can be treated but rarely can be cured. Taking part in one of the clinical trials being done to improve treatment should be considered. Information about ongoing clinical trials is available from the NCI website.

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