
Vad anvands naltrexon till?

Vad används naltrexon till?

Naltrexon Molteni används som stödbehandling (tilläggsbehandling) vid alkoholavvänjning. Behandlingen är en del av ett omfattande behandlingsprogram vid alkoholberoende för att motverka abstinenssyndrom. Naltrexon Molteni minskar alkoholintaget eftersom begäret efter alkohol minskar.

Naltrexon är ett läkemedel som används för att behandla alkoholberoende. I SBU:s rapport ”Behandling av alkohol och narkotikaproblem” från 2001 framgick att naltrexon minskar alkoholmissbruk när läkemedlet kombineras med effektiva psykosociala insatser.

What happens if you drink alcohol while taking naltrexone?

While naltrexone can prevent the “buzz” of alcohol, it doesn’t prevent other physical or cognitive effects of intoxication, such as impaired judgment and poor motor control. If you do drink alcohol while on naltrexone, you should still avoid driving, operating heavy machinery, or performing any activity that requires good coordination.

What are the side effects of naltrexone?

Abdominal or stomach pain (severe)

  • blurred vision,aching,burning,or swollen eyes
  • chest pain
  • confusion
  • discomfort while urinating or frequent urination
  • fever
  • hallucinations or seeing,hearing,or feeling things that are not there
  • itching
  • mental depression or other mood or mental changes
  • ringing or buzzing in the ears
  • What kinds of addictions can naltrexone treat?

    Naltrexone is one of a handful of medications FDA-approved to treat alcohol use disorder. It is also commonly used to treat opioid addiction. Recently, low doses of this drug have shown promise in treating ailments unrelated to addiction—including Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia.

    What is naltrexone good for?

    Naltrexone is also used in the treatment of alcohol addiction and has also been shown to improve abstention rates, reduce the number of drinking days, and reduce the risk of relapse. It also reduces alcohol cravings. Naltrexone itself does not cause physical or psychological dependence and is not considered a drug of abuse.

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