Hur vet forskarna att det naturliga urvalet uppstår?
Evolution är det som sker då organismer och arter förändras som en konsekvens av det naturliga urvalet. Genom evolutionen blir organismerna bättre och bättre anpassade efter de miljöer som de befinner sig i och nya arter uppstår.
Vilken roll spelar slumpen i evolutionen?
Styrs evolutionen bara av slumpen? Nej, naturligt urval styr evolution tillsammans med slump. Hos alla organismer kan arvsanlagen förändras, vilket sker slumpmässigt genom mutationer. Dessutom har varje individ en unik kombination av arvsanlag från föräldrarna.
What is evolutionary medicine and how does it work?
Evolutionary medicine uses what we know about evolution to improve understanding of our health, why we get sick, and how we can better prevent and treat disease. In case this seems a bit vague, let’s look at two specific examples of evolutionary medicine.
Is there a new journal on evolution in medicine?
This recognition is also not new. There is already a journal of evolution in medicine, available online as the Evolution and Medicine Review. Some of the current PNAS authors have also written about the topic previously, including this 2006 editorial in Science titled Medicine Needs Evolution.
Where can I find research on evolutionary medicine?
Great research in evolutionary medicine is occurring at Arizona State University’s Center for Evolution and Medicine (CEM) and at a variety of institutions across the globe. The CEM is also working on a collection of educational resources that can be found at (link is external).
What is an example of evolution in medicine?
Evolution in Medicine. It is based upon a number of basic sciences, and one of those basic sciences is evolution. The most obvious example is bacterial antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics place a selective pressure on a bacterial population, often resulting in the emergence of resistant strains.