
Hur kunde man tyda hieroglyfer?

Hur kunde man tyda hieroglyfer?

Forskare över hela världen hade länge försökt tyda hieroglyferna med hjälp av Rosettestenen. Man koncentrerade sig helt och hållet på stenens så kallade demotiska skrift – en yngre egyptisk skrift som hade sitt ursprung i hieroglyferna.

Vad skrev egyptierna?

Hieroglyferna kom främst att användas till officiella inskriptioner på tempelväggar, i gravar och på konstföremål. För skrivandet av texter med mer vardagliga ämnen (brev, kvitton och dylikt) använde egyptierna hieratisk skrift och demotisk skrift (grekiska folklig skrift) och skrev dessa istället med bläck på papyrus.

What is Rosetta Stone?

Rosetta Stone helps you tap into your brain’s innate ability to learn language, and gets you comfortable with communication in real life. The best way to pick up a language is to surround yourself with it. We help you learn efficiently through real-world scenarios, interactive activities, and audio from native speakers.

What is the song Rosetta Stoned about?

About “Rosetta Stoned”. In the song, a character goes through a “drug trip” in the infamous deserts of Area 51. It’s a long, daunting occurrence especially when the aliens approach him, pick him up and tell him he is the chosen one. The Rosetta Stone is a Ptolemaic age granodiorite stele inscribed with a decree issued at Memphis in 196 BC on…

Is Rosetta Stone good for learning languages?

“Rosetta Stone is the gold standard when it comes to learning a new language.” “With its excellent user interface, clear instructions, wide variety of games and challenges… Rosetta Stone has got it going on. ” “I love Rosetta Stone’s software, and I think the approach to learning languages works.

Is the Behistun Inscription the Rosetta Stone?

The Behistun inscription has also been compared to the Rosetta stone, as it links the translations of three ancient Middle-Eastern languages: Old Persian, Elamite, and Babylonian.

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