
Var byggs Iter?

Var byggs Iter?

ITER byggs i dag i södra Frankrike och så här långt har 530 företag och 70 forsknings- och utvecklingsorganisationer varit inblandade genom Fusion for energy (F4E), EU:s kontor för ITER.

Är fusion framtiden?

Tre milstolpar: JET, ITER och DEMO Försöken med JET på 90-talet visade att den tänkta fusionsprocessen fungerar. ITER – betyder ”vägen” på latin – är i en större skala och ska när den är färdigbyggd 2025 visa att fusion är en trovärdig framtida energikälla.

Are tokamaks the future of plasma confinement?

Fusion energy scientists believe that tokamaks are the leading plasma confinement concept for future fusion power plants. In a tokamak, magnetic field coils confine plasma particles to allow the plasma to achieve the conditions necessary for fusion.

How does a tokamak work?

A tokamak ( Russian: Токамáк) is a device which uses a powerful magnetic field to confine a hot plasma in the shape of a torus. The tokamak is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices being developed to produce controlled thermonuclear fusion power.

How do you compress plasma in a tokamak?

In a tokamak, this compression is achieved simply by moving the plasma into a region of higher magnetic field (i.e., radially inward). Since plasma compression brings the ions closer together, the process has the additional benefit of facilitating attainment of the required density for a fusion reactor.

What is the maximum temperature of plasma in a tokamak?

The heat generated depends on the resistance of the plasma and the amount of electric current running through it. But as the temperature of heated plasma rises, the resistance decreases and ohmic heating becomes less effective. It appears that the maximum plasma temperature attainable by ohmic heating in a tokamak is 20–30 million degrees Celsius.

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