
Hur stora blir pansarmalar?

Hur stora blir pansarmalar?

Ett exempel på en av många populära malar från släktet Corydoras är Corydoras aeneus, metallpansarmal. Honorna kan bli upp till 7 cm medan hanarna normalt är mindre än honorna.

Hur leker Pansarmalar?

Hanen följer efter och simmar runt honan under leken. äggen som är mindre än 1.5mm placera på spridda ställen i akvariet såsom på växtblad och på akvarieglaset. Denna art ger normalt mindre kullar än andra pansarmalar och kullar på under 10 ägg är inte ovanligt.

Hur förökar sig Pansarmal?

Hur gammal blir en Sugfisk?

Mal: 60 årMalartade fiskar / Livslängd

What does an albino cory catfish look like?

The Albino Cory Catfish is one of the popular and cute fish breeds people love to keep. The Albino Cory catfish has a white-colored physique that may vary in tone, and pink to gentle crimson eyes. This article will give an overview of Albino Cory Catfish and its size, lifespan, breeding, care, diet, eggs, very activity, blind.

What kind of catfish is white with pink eyes?

The Albino Cory Catfish is one of the popular and cute fish breeds people love to keep. The Albino Cory catfish has a white-colored physique that may vary in tone, and pink to gentle crimson eyes.

Where do albino Corydoras come from?

South America – Technically the family this fish belongs to comes from South America, but the Albino variety has been bred this way in captivity. All Corydoras species are bottom feeders and love planted aquariums with lots of hiding places that they can swim in and out of.

How long do albino corys live in a tank?

About 10 years. The Albino Cory is very popular in home aquariums. This may be because of the fishes colour, or lack of it. These fish are very sociable with their own kind and to keep them happy they should be in groups of at least 4. Some people like to keep a minimum of 6 together.

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