
Hur lagger jag till en kalender i Outlook?

Hur lägger jag till en kalender i Outlook?

Logga in i Outlook på webben. Klicka på ikonen Kalender längst ned i navigeringsfönstret. Klicka på Lägg till kalender i verktygsfältet. Klicka på Från Internetoch skriv eller kopiera och klistra in kalenderns webbadress i rutan Länka till kalendern.

Kan man synka Google kalender med Outlook?

Med Google Calendar Sync för Microsoft Outlook (GWSMO) kan du hantera dina Google Workspace-kalendrar från Outlook, inklusive din primära kalender, kalendrar som du skapar och kalendrar som andra har delat. Välj de kalendrar som du vill synkronisera med Outlook.

What is iCalendar feeds?

It allows you to share calendar data between different calendars and calendar services. For example, you can display your Teamup Calendar events in Apple iCal, Google Calendar, Outlook or any other calendar application that supports iCalendar feeds. You can set up inbound and outbound iCalendar feeds.

How do I add an iCal feed to my calendar?

Under File, select New Calendar Subscription. Paste the iCal feed URL from BambooHR and select Subscribe. Verify the calendar settings and adjust as needed. Once you add an iCal feed, the corresponding information will show in the calendar.

How do I access iCalendar feeds in BambooHR?

iCalendar feeds are accessible in two places in BambooHR: Who’s Out widget: Click Full Calendar in the Who’s Out widget. Once you view the Who’s Out calendar, click the action menu in the top right corner and select iCal Feeds…

How do I subscribe to the calender feed?

Calendar Feed is available for accounts on the following plans: Click ”Settings” located on the left side navigation menu. Click the ”Calendar” option located in the left side sub-navigation menu. Copy your calendar feed URL. In your Apple Calendar, choose File > New Calendar Subscription. Paste the calendar feed URL and click “Subscribe .”

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