
Kan man ata vindruvor om man har diabetes?

Kan man äta vindruvor om man har diabetes?

Forskarna fann att de som ätit två portioner hel frukt i veckan, speciellt vindruvor, blåbär, äpplen och päron hade23 procents lägre risk att insjukna i diabetes än de andra. Vilka ämnen det kan vara i frukterna som minskar risken säger den här studien inte något om.

Kan jag äta frukt med diabetes?

När det gäller frukt och riskerna för diabetes typ 2 kunder forskarna se att vissa frukter associerades med signifikant lägre risk. Samtidigt kunde man notera att en hög konsumtion av fruktjuice istället ökade riskerna att drabbas av diabetes typ 2.

Är vindruvor bra att äta när man bantar?

Ett som är säkert är att de kan njutas med gott samvete eftersom 100g vindruvor endast innehåller 75 kcal, 0.6g fett, massor av C-vitaminer och antioxidanter som hjälper till att skydda cellerna i kroppen.

Is the AR-180B making a comeback in 2019?

When the ArmaLite brand was revived in 2001, the rifle made a 6-year comeback as the AR-180B until poor sales made shuttering the line a necessity. Fast forward to 2019 and the AR-180B is poised to make a return, but unlike its predecessors, this one seems to having the makings of a successful long-term run.

What is the difference between the AR-180B and WK180-C?

At a first glance, the WK180-C looks more like an AR-15-style rifle with its buffer tube stock and full-length handguard with an upper rail. The differences become immediately apparent with the aluminum receiver, which bears a striking resemblance to that of the AR-180B.

What is the difference between AR-15 and AR-18?

The move from an AR-15 receiver layout to the AR-18-style layout has a very shallow learning curve attached. The magazine release is a relatively similar position to where you’d find it on the AR-15, as is the fire selector. The only major difference is the absence of an upper charging handle and the lack of a forward assist.

What happened to Armalite’s AR-18?

The AR-18 was ArmaLite’s rifle that just never caught any traction, failing to score a major military or law enforcement buyer from the moment of its launch to its eventual demise.


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