
Hur faller en sten pa manen?

Hur faller en sten på månen?

En sten har en annan form, som inte glider på luften. Den totala kraften nedåt blir då större. Om du däremot är på månen kommer pappret och stenen att landa samtidigt, eftersom de släpps från samma höjd, och någon inbromsande luft saknas.

What was Galileo’s experiment at the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

Galileo’s Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment. In 1589–92, the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei (then professor of mathematics at the University of Pisa) is said to have dropped two spheres of different masses from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to demonstrate that their time of descent was independent of their mass,…

What is Galileo’s experiment in physics?

Galileo’s experiment. This experiment runs as follows: Imagine two objects, one light and one heavier than the other one, are connected to each other by a string. Drop this system of objects from the top of a tower. If we assume heavier objects do indeed fall faster than lighter ones (and conversely, lighter objects fall slower),…

How did Galileo measure the time of a rolling ball?

Using a water clock, Galileo measured the time it took for the rolling ball to reach a known distance down the inclined plane. After numerous trials, it was noted that the time taken for the ball to roll the entire length of the ramp was equal to double the amount of time it took for the same ball to only roll a quarter of the distance.

What was Galileo’s experiment with Viviani?

Galileo’s experiment At the time when Viviani asserts that the experiment took place, Galileo had not yet formulated the final version of his law of falling bodies. He had, however, formulated an earlier version which predicted that bodies of the same material falling through the same medium would fall at the same speed.

Vad faller snabbast i vakuum?

Redan år 55 f.Kr. förklarade den romerske poeten och filosofen Lucreteus att fallande föremål endast bromsas upp av hydrodynamiskt eller aerodynamiskt motstånd och att lätta föremål därför faller långsammare men att alla föremål faller lika fort i ett vakuum.

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