Hur förändras andningen om du är i vila jämfört med om du t ex springer och varför blir det så?
Luften pressas ut ur lungorna när du andas ut. Vid varje andetag strömmar ungefär en halv liter luft in i lungorna och lika mycket ut ur dem. När du vilar andas du ungefär tolv gånger varje minut. Vid ansträngning andas du oftare än vid vila, och du drar in mer luft vid varje andetag.
Får ont i lungorna när jag springer?
Ansträngningsastma innebär att du får besvär av din astma när du anstränger dig fysiskt, till exempel när du tränar. När du rör dig mycket andas du snabbare och genom munnen, det kan leda till att luftrören blir irriterade och drar ihop sig. Då kan du bli hostig och få svårt att andas. Öppet alla dagar, dygnet runt.
Who was Jim Thorpe?
Jim Thorpe was an expert wrangler and breaker of wild horses, which he studied for their beautiful economy of motion and tried to emulate. Clearly the outdoors taught him the famous looseness of movement so often mistaken for lassitude. “He moved like a breeze,” sportswriter Grantland Rice observed.
Why are we still chasing Jim Thorpe?
It’s been 100 years since Jim Thorpe dashed through the 1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm, and we’re still chasing him. Greatest-evers are always hard to quantify, but Thorpe is especially so, a laconic, evasive passerby who defies Olympic idealizing. A breakfast of champions for Thorpe was no bowl of cereal.
How many yards did Jim Thorpe run for in 1968?
He returned to lead Carlisle’s football team to a 12-1-1 record, running for 1,869 yards on 191 attempts—more yards in a season than O.J. Simpson would run for USC in 1968. And that total doesn’t include yardage from two games Thorpe played in.
Are these Olympic records the best proof that Thorpe was superb?
“Those Olympic records are the best proof that he was superb, and they aren’t official,” says Kate Buford, author of a new biography of Thorpe, Native American Son. “He’s like the phantom contender.”