
Vad ar Coloboma?

Vad är Coloboma?

Medfödd missbildning av ögat, så att vissa av ögats strukturer saknas pga ofullständig sammanfogning av den intraockulära springan under fosterutvecklingen.

Är irit ärftligt?

En grupp patienter har en ärftlig benägenhet att utveckla irit. Dessa patienter har inte sällan en inflammation i ländryggen, så kallad Bechterews sjukdom. Även vissa inflammatoriska tarmsjukdomar, så som ulcerös kolit och Crohns sjukdom, kan innebära en ökad risk för att utveckla irit.

What is coloboma?

Coloboma comes from a Greek word which means “curtailed”. It is used to describe conditions where normal tissue in or around the eye is missing from birth. To understand coloboma, it is useful to be familiar with the normal structure and appearance of the eye, and the terms related to the different parts of the eye.

What are the symptoms and treatment of coloboma?

At a glance: Coloboma 1 Symptoms: Being born without part of the eye, sensitivity to light, vision loss, missing a specific area of vision 2 Diagnosis: Eye exam 3 Treatment: Glasses or contacts, eye drops, wearing an eye patch, low vision devices, early intervention (learning support), surgery (in some cases)

Can coloboma affect other organs?

It may occur with other conditions or as part of a syndrome that affects other organs and tissues in the body. Some people with coloboma have associated eye abnormalities, including: Microphthalmia – one or both eyeballs are abnormally small Glaucoma – increased pressure inside the eye that can damage the optic nerve

What are the syndromes of ocular coloboma?

Ocular Coloboma may be a feature of the following syndromes: Renal coloboma syndrome – characterized by optic nerve dysplasia and renal hypodysplasia. CHARGE syndrome – characterized by coloboma, heart defects, atresia, retarded growth and development, genital hypoplasia (undescended testicles), and ear abnormalities.

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