
Vad gor en Tjanstefordelare?

Vad gör en Tjänstefördelare?

En tjänstefördelare kallas ibland för switch, mediaomvandlare eller fiberkonverterare. Det är den apparat som används för att du ska kunna koppla in bredband eller tv via fiber om du bor i en bostad med öppet nät.

Hur kopplar man in en Tjänstefördelare?

Anslut routern till tjänstefördelaren (för tv-signal) Koppla en nätverkskabel från tjänstefördelarens tv-port till porten TV/IN 4 på routern. Om din tjänstefördelare har gemensamt uttag för tv och internet kopplar du in en nätverkskabel i porten BROADBAND IN (fungerar då för både internet och tv).

Why should I join AFCPE?

AFCPE Members are diverse in experiences but like-minded in purpose. Membership brings together professionals from a variety of financial fields, providing you with a strong community, educational opportunities, and resources and benefits that enhance your work and career. Our standard membership option – for the individual professional.

What is AFCPE meetup?

Meet-ups allow you to expand your knowledge while engaging with members from across the country. AFCPE ® membership provides you with a platform to help advance the field and create lasting impact. There are more than a dozen task forces with opportunities for leadership and involvement.

When will the AFCPE recordings be available?

Recordings are available until October 2022! Did you attend #AFCPE2021? Login to your Pathable account to watch the recordings! Register to access the 2021 AFCPE Virtual Symposium Recordings…more than 50 hours of professional development content!

How many hours of professional development content does the AFCPE virtual Symposium contain?

Register to access the 2021 AFCPE Virtual Symposium Recordings…more than 50 hours of professional development content! View past programs, proceedings, and pictures! Thank you for helping to make #AFCPE2021 a success! ”This symposium was a game changer! It opened my mind to new ideas and mechanisms to carry into my work with clients.

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