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Vad kostar en missil?
Här är Sveriges nya missilsköld – kostar 10 miljarder kronor.
Hur långt når kärnvapen?
Bomben hade en sprängverkan på runt 58 megaton trotyl, att jämföra med Hiroshimabomben som hade en sprängverkan på motsvarande 16 kiloton. Tsarbomben detonerades 30 oktober 1961 på ett testområde på Novaja Zemlja i Norra ishavet. Svampmolnet från bomben var 64 kilometer högt och runt 40 kilometer brett.
Who is developing the SOM stand-off missile?
Although being developed by TÜBİTAK SAGE which still holds authority over the design of the missile, ROKETSAN has been given the role of manufacturing and marketing the missile for export. The SOM stand-off cruise missile is a family of launch and leave precision strike weapons against both land or sea targets.
What is the SOM-J missile?
SOM-J is manufactured by TÜBİTAK SAGE and ROKETSAN in Turkey. The SOM ( Turkish: Satha Atılan Orta Menzilli Mühimmat) is a next-generation autonomous, stealth, high precision cruise missile developed by TÜBİTAK SAGE, Defence Research and Development Institute of Turkey.
What is the history of the SOM cruise missile?
It was first revealed during the 100th anniversary celebrations of the Turkish Air Force at the Çiğli Air Base in İzmir, on 4 June 2011. Developed since 2006, the SOM cruise missile is Turkey’s first domestic guided missile for destroying both stationary and moving targets at a stand-off distance of over 180 kilometers.
What is the range of Russia’s SOM missile?
”The SOM missile is currently tested for 300 km (160 nmi) range and successfully achieved 10 m (33 ft) precision goal, demonstrating around 5 m (16 ft) accuracy in live fires. We are planning to start 500 km (270 nmi) range tests this year. Later the range will be extended to 1,500 km (810 nmi) and finally to 2,500 km (1,300 nmi) in 2014”, he said.