
Vad kravs for EI30?

Vad krävs för EI30?

Det är kombinationen av ytterpanel och innerpanel samt tjocklek och typ av isolering som avgör branklassningen. Som exempel konstruerar vi våra isolerade garage med: 12 mm spånskiva, minst 95 mm isolering av glasull och 22 mm ytterpanel av trä. Denna konstruktion uppfyller brandklass EI30.

Vilka Brandklasser finns?

Byggnader delas enligt Boverkets byggregler, BBR, in i fyra olika klasser, Br 0, Br1, Br2 och Br3. Dessa beror på antal våningar, typ av verksamhet och byggnadsarea. Byggnadens klassificering bestämmer i sin tur brandkraven på respektive byggnadsdel.

Vad betyder ei brandklass?

Utgå alltid från att en brandklassad byggnadsdel ska utföras i EI, dvs att den både har en flam- och brandgasavskiljande konstruktion (integritet) samt uppfyller kravet för temperaturhöjning på den sida som är vänd från branden (isolering).

What is the difference between plywood and OSB?

Plywood is available in many plys and different levels of quality. OSB is usually more consistent across the board, meaning what you see is what you get. Plywood and OSB are generally considered to have the same load strength. However, as plywood has been around longer, it has shown that it can last 50 or more years in an installation.

What is a good substitute for OSB?

Regular plywood is a good alternative to OSB. Though plywood is more expensive, it can perform at the same level as OSB. What is Plywood? Plywood is a manufactured material designed for use on all sorts of projects. Plywood is a sandwich of thin layers of wood, compressed together with adhesives in an alternating grain pattern.

What is OSB made of?

OSB is made of many smaller pieces of hardwood and softwood mixed together in strands. Because the pieces are smaller, the sheets of OSB can be much larger than sheets of plywood.

Does OSB have a top veneer?

OSB does not usually have a top veneer 2. It is made of many strands or smaller pieces of wood pressed together, which gives it a rougher texture. OSB is not used for finished surfaces because it cannot handle a paint or stain the way that hardwood plywood can. Therefore, it is generally installed beneath a finish material, such as siding.

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