
What is Unifund CCR?

What is Unifund CCR?

Unifund CCR, LLC is a company founded in 1986 for the purpose of buying up junk debts. Unifund buys up old charged-off debt from credit card companies, hospitals, cell phone companies, and even other debt collectors.

What is a good settlement with Unifund CCR LLC?

What is a Good Settlement with Unifund CCR, LLC? The notorious debt buyer Unifund CCR, LLC, LLC has sued you for an old debt that they bought from an original creditor. You are considering whether to fight them or to reach a reasonable settlement and get on with your life.

Who are the RMA certification companies for Unifund CCR?

This communication is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose RMA Certification Companies: Unifund CCR, LLC, Unifund CCR Partners, Unifund Corporation and Pilot Receivables Management, LLC

Is Unifund on your credit report?

Unifund has appeared on your credit report, and you’d like to learn more. Important information required by law: Unifund CCR Partners and Unifund CCR, LLC are debt collectors.

Did Unifund CCR partners violate the FDCPA?

In February 2017, in the Supreme Court of Kentucky, a judge issued an Opinion in a case alleging Unifund CCR Partners had violated certain provisions of the FDCPA. Originally, the plaintiff in this case acquired credit card debt with Citibank at an interest rate of 27.24%.

How do I make a counterclaim against Unifund?

You can also make certain counterclaims against the debt buyer, and one of the best ways to make a counterclaim against Unifund is under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

What should I do if I am sued by Unifund?

If you have been sued by Unifund, you should not ignore the documents. While you may contest the debt being pursued, the lawsuit itself is likely legitimate and must be defended to try and prevent a default judgment. How can we help?

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