
Far Oxford Down?

Får Oxford Down?

Oxford down är en fårras av gruppen köttfår skapad ca 1830 i Storbritannien. De är stora och snabbvuxna. Oxford down har rikligt med ull, är hornlösa och har lång svans. Kroppen, kinderna och pannan är täckt med vit ull.

Får betäckning?

Den 15 augusti släpper du baggen till betäckning och några dagar senare börjar tackorna att brunsta. De tackor som inte blir betäckta på första brunsten börjar att brunsta om 28 augusti. Låt baggen vara kvar till den 14 september för att betäcka den andra brunsten, sedan ska han tas bort.

What are Border Leicester sheep used for?

Along with wool production, the Border Leicester sheep breed is also very good for quality meat production. The ewes produce quality lambs, and the lambs have very high growth rate and finish quickly. They produce very high quality and desirable meat. The breed is also used for crossbreeding for improving other sheep breeds.

What breeds make up a Border Leicester?

It is one of three breeds of Leicester sheep, along with the English Leicester and the Hexham Leicester (or Blueface). Credit for development of the Border Leicester goes to George and Matthew Cully of Fenton, Northumberland. The breed is believed to have been developed by crossing Leicesters with Teeswater ewes.

What are the different breeds of Leicester sheep?

The English or ”Dishley” (Bakewell’s improved breed), the Blueface or ”Hexham” and the Border Leicester. The English is the largest of the Leicester breeds and has a long, heavy fleece in the 40s-46s range.

Where did the Dishley Leicester sheep get its name?

Name of the breed came from the fact that their birthplace is near the border of Scotland with their foundation stock being Dishley Leicester rams. Robert Bakewell created the Dishley Leicester sheep by crossing the old Lincolnshire breed with the Leicestershire type sheep.

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