
Hur sot ar vattenmelon?

Hur söt är vattenmelon?

En mogen melon doftar starkare och skall kännas lite mjuk om man trycker lätt på den. Vattenmelonerna har sprött och krispigt fruktkött, söt smak med viss syrlighet. De passar utmärkt som förfriskning, dessert samt även i matigare sallader.

Hur växer honungsmelon?

Melon kräver mycket värme och odlas helst i växthus eller drivbänk, i en fuktighetshållande, mull- och näringsrik jord med ett pH-värde över 6,5. Pensla pollen från flera han- till honblommor samtidigt, om inte insekterna kan komma in och låt varje planta få utveckla 4-6 frukter.

What does a Hami melon taste like?

Oblong in shape with yellow skin and green streaks throughout, the Hami melon has a juicy orange flesh. Its flavor profile is reminiscent to a very sweet cantaloupe, with more flavor and firmer crunchy texture. The Hami-Gua This is a very special variety melon in which the seed originated in the Xinjiang area of China.

What is Hami gua (snow melon)?

It is also referred to as the Chinese Hami melon or the snow melon. The outer color is generally white through pink or yellow through green. The inside flesh is sweet and crisp. More than 100 cultivated forms and hybrids of the ’Hami’ melon have been grown in China. In Mandarin, Hami gua can also be used to refer to cantaloupe .

Where did the Hami melon come from?

Half of a dried Hami melon was discovered in a tomb found by archeologists in Turpan City within Xinjiang, dating the melon to be at least 1,500 years old. Despite the melon’s close association with the city of Hami, some experts believe the point of origin is closer to the nearby city of Shanshan.

What is a Hami-gua melon?

The Hami-Gua melon is a muskmelon that takes form in over 180 different variations, creating melons of different sizes, patterns, colors, and shapes. The melons common denominator is their sugar content. On the Brix scale, Hami melons score 14 to 16% sugar content.

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