
Nar uppfanns CI?

När uppfanns CI?

1957 är det årtal som firas då nu CI firar 60 år. Då fick två fransk-algeriska kirurger en patient att höra enkla ljud som mamma och pappa genom att förena akustiska nerver med elektroder.

What do we know about Implanon?

Relevancy and consistency of information was assessed for each trial. Data synthesis: Implanon is the newest contraceptive implant system that has completed worldwide Phase III clinical trials. It is a single rod that contains a core of 68 mg of 3-keto-desogestrel with a membrane of ethylene vinyl acetate.

What is the contraceptive effect of Implanon NXT?

The contraceptive effect of IMPLANON NXT®(68 mg etonogestrel implant) is primarily achieved by inhibition of ovulation. Ovulations were not observed in the first two years of use of the implant and only rarely in the third year.

Can Implanon NXT® 68 mg etonogestrel implant be reinserted?

IMPLANON NXT® 68 mg etonogestrel implant Reinsertion Suggested Approach: Display slide and introduce the final topic of discussion, inserting a new implant following the removal of an old one. GLOBALTRAINING IMPLANON NXT® 68 mg etonogestrel implant

Is the Implanon® implant non-radiopaque?

The IMPLANON®(etonogestrel implant) implant is non-radiopaque and will not be visible with an X-ray or computed tomography (CT) imaging method. GLOBALTRAINING IMPLANON NXT®

What is Implanon™ used for?

IMPLANON™ (etonogestrel implant) is indicated for women for the prevention of pregnancy. IMPLANON™ is a long-acting (up to 3 years), reversible, contraceptive method. IMPLANON™ must be removed by the end of the third year and may be replaced by a new IMPLANON™ at the time of removal, if continued contraceptive protection is desired.

What is the size of the Implanon implant?

The implant is 4 cm in length with a diameter of 2 mm (see Figure 1). Each IMPLANON™ rod consists of an ethylene vinylacetate (EVA) copolymer core, containing 68 mg of the synthetic progestin etonogestrel (ENG), surrounded by an EVA copolymer skin.

What is Nexplanon used for?

Nexplanon is a form of contraceptive that is placed in a capsule and inserted under the skin of the upper arm and protects you from becoming pregnant for three years. It is a hormone that is close to, but not exactly the same as the natural hormone that is made by your body in the second half of your menstrual cycle.

What are the side effects of Nexplanon?

These include irregular bleeding, lack of periods, weight gain, headaches, dizziness, abdominal pain, acne, nausea, breast tenderness, and lower sex drive. What are the advantages of Nexplanon?

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