
Vad ar en intifada?

Vad är en intifada?

Upproren var i stort sett ickevåldsamma, ägde rum i de ockuperade områdena i Gaza och Västbanken och kallas ofta för den första palestinska intifadan. Ordet intifada betyder ”att skaka av” på arabiska, vilket i vardagligt tal uppfattas som uppror eller motstånd mot förtryckaren.

Vad hände med Osloavtalet?

Processen avslutades i Oslo, Norge den 20 augusti 1993 och avtalen skrevs officiellt under vid en ceremoni i Washington D.C. den 13 september 1993 med Yassir Arafat som undertecknare för PLO och Yitzhak Rabin som undertecknare för Israel.

What is the origin of the word intifada?

Etymology. Intifada is an Arabic word literally meaning, as a noun, ”tremor”, ”shivering”, ”shuddering”. It is derived from an Arabic term nafada meaning ”to shake”, ”shake off”, ”get rid of”, as a dog might shrug off water, or as one might shake off sleep, or dirt from one’s sandals.

What is the difference between Intifada and Infitah?

Not to be confused with Infitah. An intifada ( Arabic: انتفاضة ‎ intifāḍah) is a rebellion or uprising, or a resistance movement. It is a key concept in contemporary Arabic usage referring to a legitimate uprising against oppression. Intifada is an Arabic word literally meaning, as a noun, ”tremor”, ”shivering”, ”shuddering”.

What is the Antifa?

ISBN 978-0-429-26517-4. Since the election of President Trump and the rise in racism and white supremacist activity, the militant anti-fascist movement known as antifa has become increasingly active and high profile in the United States. Miller, Michael E. (September 14, 2017).

Are there other antifa groups in the United States?

Other antifa groups in the United States have other genealogies. In Minneapolis, Minnesota, a group called the Baldies was formed in 1987 with the intent to fight neo-Nazi groups directly. In 2013, the ”most radical” chapters of ARA formed the Torch Antifa Network which has chapters throughout the United States.

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