
Varfor bloder man nar man har p-stav?

Varför blöder man när man har p-stav?

När p-staven väl är på plats avger den hela tiden hormon som går direkt ut i kroppen. Det gör att kroppen får ett jämnt upptag av hormonet. När du använder p-stav blir mensen alltid mer eller mindre förändrad. Det kan innebära perioder med oregelbunden mens eller perioder när du inte har någon mens.

Hur länge kan man blöda med p-stav?

Nackdelar med p-stav Oregelbundna blödningar är vanligt men minskar ofta med tiden. Blödningarna kan så småningom utebli helt så länge staven är kvar.

What is Implanon bleeding pattern?

Implanon use is associated with an unpredictable bleeding pattern, which includes amenorrhoea and infrequent, frequent, and/or prolonged bleeding. The bleeding pattern experienced during the first three months is broadly predictive of future bleeding patterns for many women.

How does the Implanon affect your menstrual cycle?

The effects of Implanon on menstrual bleeding patterns Implanon use is associated with an unpredictable bleeding pattern, which includes amenorrhoea and infrequent, frequent, and/or prolonged bleeding. The bleeding pattern experienced during the first three months is broadly predictive of future bleeding patterns for many women.

What is Implanon™ used for?

IMPLANON™ (etonogestrel implant) is indicated for women for the prevention of pregnancy. IMPLANON™ is a long-acting (up to 3 years), reversible, contraceptive method. IMPLANON™ must be removed by the end of the third year and may be replaced by a new IMPLANON™ at the time of removal, if continued contraceptive protection is desired.

What is the size of the Implanon implant?

The implant is 4 cm in length with a diameter of 2 mm (see Figure 1). Each IMPLANON™ rod consists of an ethylene vinylacetate (EVA) copolymer core, containing 68 mg of the synthetic progestin etonogestrel (ENG), surrounded by an EVA copolymer skin.

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