
Vart kommer kartong ifran?

Vart kommer kartong ifrån?

Kartong kan tillverkas från olika källmaterial: Nyfiber eller returfiber, blekt eller oblekt pappersmassa, kemisk (sulfit- eller sulfatmassa) eller mekanisk massa, bestruken eller obestruken yta, vit eller brun baksida, med ett, två eller flera fiberskikt.

Vilka material är papper gjort av?

Papper görs av hopfiltade fibrer. Idag används växtfibrer, som mals till pappersmassa, blandas med vatten, pressas, torkas och efterbehandlas. Dagens pappersmaskiner gör tusentals pappersark per minut. Det finns minst 50 000 olika användningsområden för papper.

Vem tillverkar mjölkpaket?

Förpackningen – Vårt miljöarbete | Arla.

What is solid bleached board (SBB)?

Solid bleached board ( SBB) or solid bleached sulphate ( SBS) is a virgin fibre grade of paperboard . This grade is made purely from bleached chemical pulp and usually has a mineral or synthetic pigment coated top surface in one or more layers (C1S) and often also a coating on the reverse side (C2S).

What is the best material for a whiteboard?

Glass is a great material for a whiteboard because it is completely nonporous, which means that it resists the streaking that may occur on melamine or porcelain boards. It is smooth to write on and easy to erase.

What is SBB paperboard made of?

Not drawn to scale. Solid bleached board (SBB) or solid bleached sulphate (SBS) is a virgin fibre grade of paperboard. This grade is made purely from bleached chemical pulp and usually has a mineral or synthetic pigment coated top surface in one or more layers (C1S) and often also a coating on the reverse side (C2S).

What is a whiteboard and how does it work?

Whiteboards don’t only belong inside of classrooms. In the business world, people use them to convey information and ideas. Allowing you to express yourself by hand, whiteboards are also reusable alternatives to paper for notetaking. With one swipe, you can brainstorm from a blank slate.

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