
What is a TOG?

What is a TOG?

But there is more than meets the eyes in this dinosaur: The TOG is born from the creation just before the war of the Special Vehicle Development Committee. This organization was seeking a specifically designed tank for trench warfare.

What was the first design of the TOG?

Design began in December 1939 with the delivery of a wooden mock-up. Eventually the TOG prototype received a 2-pdr gun armed Matilda II infantry tank turret, two others guns in lateral sponsons, and five MG ports.

Who is Henry Strozier?

Henry Strozier is an actor/narrator who was a resident company member of eleven professional theatres around the country: The Asolo, Baltimore’s Center Stage, The Barter Theater, The Loretto-Hilton, The Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival, The Missouri Rep, The Milwaukee Rep, The American Players Theater, the beloved Totem Pole Playhouse and Arena

What was the armament of the tog-1?

Armament: 75 mm (2.95 inch) howitzer, QF 2 pdr (40 mm), 4x 0.8 mm LMG Tank Encylopedia’s own rendition of the TOG-1 in 1940.

”Tog” was also the name of the Ferengi character played by Al Franken in the Saturday Night Live skit Love Boat: The Next Generation, a parody of both The Love Boat and Star Trek: The Next Generation, when Patrick Stewart hosted. Community content is available under CC-BY-NC unless otherwise noted.

Why did TOG TOG kidnap Lwaxana?

Following numerous rejections by the ambassador towards his advances, Tog kidnapped Lwaxana, as well as Starfleet officers Deanna Troi and William T. Riker. Tog’s intentions were to persuade Lwaxana to join a partnership so as to exploit her telepathic abilities in trade negotiations.

Who played tog in ménage à Troi?

Tog was played by actor Frank Corsentino . This character was called DaiMon ” Tarr ” in the second draft script of ”Ménage à Troi”.

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