
What is MDPI?

What is MDPI?

As of 2020, MDPI is the largest open access publisher in the world and the 5th largest publisher overall in terms of journal paper output. Who’s Afraid of Peer Review?

What is the review process at MDPI like?

Review process: The MDPI employee I talked to said the typical review process goes like this: Paper is submitted. Paper is shown to an editorial board member specializing in the field of the paper (remember the journal staff have advanced degrees), who makes the decision whether to send it for peer review.

Is MDPI a predatory publisher?

That is certainly not what scientific peer review is supposed to be like. This sheds a very bad light on the already low reputation of this publisher. There are many predatory publishers out there, and MDPI is apparently one of them. Is MDPI your business?

What are the ratings of individual MDPI journals?

Individual MDPI journals have separate journal-level ratings. As of 2021, 188 MDPI journals are listed in the Norwegian Scientific Index of which 173 have a rating of ”level 1”, 5 have a rating of ”level X” and 10 have a rating of ”level 0.”

What rating does MDPI have in Norway?

The National Publication Committee of Norway has assigned MDPI a book-publisher level rating of ”1” in the Norwegian Scientific Index since 2017, the standard rating designating a publisher as academic. Individual MDPI journals have separate journal-level ratings.

Is MDPI an open access journal?

MDPI journals are currently included in the Directory of Open Access Journals. MDPI is a member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association, a participating publisher and supporter of the Initiative for Open Citations, and a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

What journals does MDPI Verein publish?

Several other journals were established by the MDPI Verein, including Entropy (1999), the International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2000), Sensors (2001), Marine Drugs (2003), and the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2004). The publisher MDPI AG (see below) was spun off from MDPI Verein in 2010.

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