
Who was George Bass?

Who was George Bass?

fGEORGE F. BASS Between expeditions, George Bass was until 1974 professor of class­ ical archaeology at the University of Pennsylvania and curator at the University Museum in Philadelphia.

Where did Dr Bass go to college?

A native of Columbia, South Carolina, Dr. Bass is a graduate of The Johns Hopkins University and received his doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania.

How did Bates Littlehales get cured of bends?

National Geographic photographer Bates Littlehales came by and told how he’d been cured of bends from an archaeological dive in Mexico. When he could walk with the aid of a cane, Eric moved first to a hotel, then back to Yassi Ada to exercise his legs before returning home. He never regained complete sensation in his left leg.

George Bass was born on January 30, 1771, in Aswarby, Lincolnshire, England. He became a surgeon in 1789. He joined the Royal Navy soon after that. While he was at sea, he learned navigation and seamanship.

How did Bass Strait get its name?

Bass Strait, the body of water that separates Australia and Tasmania, was named after him. George Bass was born on January 30, 1771, in Aswarby, Lincolnshire, England. He became a surgeon in 1789.

How did bass meet Jørgen Jørgensen?

Adventurer Jørgen Jørgensen wrote about Bass in his 1835 autobiography, claiming Bass had attempted forced trade at gunpoint in Chile, and was captured when he let his guard down. Jørgensen probably met Bass, but this account is almost certainly an invention.

Who is George Bass and why is he on a stamp?

Australia Post honoured George Bass in 1963 with a postage stamp, and again in 1998 in association with Matthew Flinders . A re-enactment of the whaleboat voyage marked the 200th anniversary of Bass’s voyage; the 9 metres (30 ft) ”Elizabeth” skippered by Bern Cuthbertson arrived at Western Port on 5 January 1998.

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