Hur fattigt är Pakistan?
I få länder har ekonomiska framsteg haft så liten inverkan på den sociala utvecklingen som i Pakistan. Trots att landet under långa perioder haft en snabb ekonomisk tillväxt lever var fjärde invånare under den nationella fattigdomsgränsen.
Hur är demokratin i Pakistan?
Pakistan – Politiskt system. Pakistan är sedan 2010 en parlamentarisk demokrati, men vägen dit har kantats av långa perioder av militärdiktatur. Även inflytelserika storgodsägare och klanledare har i decennier urholkat demokratin. Inte förrän 2013 kunde en demokratiskt vald regering avsluta en hel mandatperiod.
Which part of Koh Himalaya is located in Pakistan?
The western part of Koh-Himalaya is located in Pakistan. The highest peak of this mountain range, Nanga Parbat, 8126 meters high above the sea level is located in Pakistan. In this mountain range are present the most beautiful valleys of the world including the valley of Kashmir.
What is the name of the mountain range in Pakistan?
The Himalayas (Koh-Himalaya) – Pakistan. The Himalayas is the highest mountain of the world. The western part of Koh-Himalaya is located in Pakistan. The highest peak of this mountain range, Nanga Parbat, 8126 meters high above the sea level is located in Pakistan.
Can you hike across glaciers in the Pakistan Himalayas?
One of many glaciers you can hike across in the Pakistan Himalayas. Photo: Coen Wubbels One of the amazing things about north Pakistan is that you don’t have to go far to climb a glacier. When driving to Passu, you’ll pass one on the left side of the road and, unsurprisingly, glacier trekking is one of the activities on offer.
What are the most bewitching Places in Pakistan Himalayas?
Here are some of the most bewitching places and experiences you will find in the Pakistan Himalayas. The Shandur Pass, on the road connecting Chitral with Gilgit, is home to a polo ground that lies abandoned for a large part of the year, except for the yaks that graze here. This may seen incongruous, amid the lofty mountains and pathces of snow.