
Hur fungerar en Fissionsreaktor?

Hur fungerar en Fissionsreaktor?

Fission innebär att man genom en självupprätthållande kedjereaktion delar atomkärnor. Den enorma mängden kärnklyvningar genererar stora mängder värme. Denna värme används sedan för att koka vatten till ånga. Ångan leds genom rör till en som generator som i sin tur alstrar el.

Vad ger mest energi fission eller fusion?

Vad är fusion? I energisammanhang betyder fusion att lätta atomkärnor slås samman för att producera kärnreaktioner med positivt energiutbyte. I vår omvärld är det fusionsreaktioner som ligger bakom solens energiproduktion; fusion är universums mest grundläggande energikälla.

What is lithium-6-deuterium fusion?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Lithium-6 – deuterium fusion reaction: an aneutronic fusion reaction, with energy released carried by alpha particles, not neutrons. Aneutronic fusion is any form of fusion power in which very little of the energy released is carried by neutrons.

What is the difference between fission and fusion?

However, fusion reactions are not like fission reactions, where a fissile nucleus, such as U-235, undergoes fission after absorbing a thermal neutron. In most circumstances, bombarding a hydrogen nucleus, or a lithium nucleus, with various forms of radiation does not initiate a fusion reaction, even for a few lucky nuclei.

What is the role of lithium in fusion reactions?

Fusion reactions involving lithium are well studied due to the use of lithium for breeding tritium in thermonuclear weapons. They are intermediate in ignition difficulty between the reactions involving lower atomic-number species, H and He, and the 11 B reaction.

Which element is most commonly used for fission reactions?

Uranium and plutonium are most commonly used for fission reactions in nuclear power reactors because they are easy to initiate and control. The energy released by fission in these reactors heats water into steam.

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