
Hur konstateras hjarnskakning?

Hur konstateras hjärnskakning?

Undersökningar och utredningar. Du blir undersökt av en läkare om du har fått en hjärnskakning. För att ta reda på om hjärnan har skadats undersöker läkaren hur du rör dig och om du kan svara på vanliga frågor. Läkaren undersöker också pupillernas utseende och hur de reagerar på ljus.

Har jag hjärnskakning test?

Symptom vid hjärnskakning När du får en kraftig hjärnskakning kan du ibland bli medvetslös en kort stund eller få en minneslucka. Annars kännetecknas hjärnskakning främst av huvudvärk, illamående och kräkningar. Du kan även känna dig yr i huvudet.

What is the post-concussion symptom scale?

Post-Concussion Symptom Scale (PCSS) And The Mayo Concussion Test. Proper evaluation of a head injury requires early documentation of complaints and discussing all the potential symptoms with the injured person to make sure they are realizing all the symptoms they may be suffering as a result of a concussion or other injury.

Can post-concussion tests predict long-term effects?

Children’s Hospital Neurologists have published articles showing that the higher the score on the above Post-Concussion tests, the more likely the patient will suffer the symptoms for a longer period of time or maybe even permanently.

What is the proper evaluation of a head injury?

Proper evaluation of a head injury requires early documentation of complaints and discussing all the potential symptoms with the injured person to make sure they are realizing all the symptoms they may be suffering as a result of a concussion or other injury.

What to do if you have a concussion in your head?

Head Injury/Concussion You have been diagnosed with a concussion. This handout is designed to help you recover safely and prevent further injury. If your symptoms worsen in the first 24 hours after the injury, you may need to seek urgent medical care, so stay with a reliable friend or relative during that time period.

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