Vad är genetisk undersökning?
Med genetisk undersökning avses där en prediktiv genetisk undersökning eller en genetisk undersökning för att påvisa eller utesluta att en person bär anlag för en ärftlig sjukdom som visar sig först i senare generationer.
Kan depression gå i släkten?
Flera olika faktorer bidrar till en depression, till exempel biologisk sårbarhet, ärftlighet och stress. En depression kan också vara ett tidigt tecken på en annan sjukdom som demens, hjärntumör, brist på sköldkörtelhormon eller andra hormoner samt blodbrist (anemi).
How can you tell if mental retardation is genetic?
If this person has a genetic intellectual disability, he would also have certain characteristic features (such as upward tilted eyes, flat nose, thick lips, short neck, enlarged head, short and stout body, possible deformity of some body part etc). These features are seen if the mental retardation is genetic in nature.
Is there a genetic aetiology for retardation?
A genetic aetiology for mental retardation has been recognized for many years and since the first identification of Down syndrome as a chromosome abnormality, the focus of mental retardation research has been to identify smaller and smaller chromosome abnormalities associated with disease (2, 3).
Is there a link between the X-chromosome and mental retardation?
We welcome research on genetic mechanisms specific to the X-chromosome (e.g., X-inactivation, gene regulation) that may be relevant to understanding some forms of X-linked mental retardation. o Fragile X syndrome is the leading cause of heritable mental retardation, affecting about 1/1400 males and 1/2500 females.
What are the causes of mental retardation?
Mental retardation can also be the result of extreme lack of oxygen near the time of birth. Mental retardation may develop in an older child as the result of serious head injury, stroke, or infections such as meningitis. Developmental tests are often used to assess the child with intellectual disability: Abnormal Denver developmental screening test